Tips to Help you Meditate
More and more, technology is used in favor of meditation. Through what has been called “transformative tech", software and hardware are created to aid people looking to take up this practice that is so helpful to our bodies and minds. Neurofeedback has been proved to help people looking to quiet down their minds and now other devices such as Muse are also been used.
However, if you're looking to try meditation without any help from technology first, here are a couple of tips to help you:
Meditation is about the simplest thing you do - notice. Start noticing your surroundings, your breath and, finally, your thoughts.
After you manage to follow these thoughts, make sure not to be too harsh on your self when losing them. Be kind to yourself in response to “bad” or distracting thoughts that may cross your mind during your meditation.
Set up a time of the day for your practice. This may be right when you wake up, during the day or before you go to bed, but it might help to have a set schedule in order to make it a habit.
It might be hard to start right away at a full lotus pose, so allow yourself to start somewhere, anywhere. On a chair or laying down, as long as you feel comfortable enough.
Smile at the end of your meditation to exude the gratitude towards your body and you mind - they've made a significant effort that should be recognised.