Neurofeedback and Language Acquisition for Kids
Children acquire language through an informal process of exposure to language and social interactions. This process Learning a language through listening to others speak is referred to as auditory perceptual learning. Reading to and speaking with children helps them to recognize and differentiate sounds. While watching television shows and listening to the radio can be helpful, the most effective way to learn a language is through interactive experiences for example conversing and reading.
A 2014 study on the process of auditory perceptual learning found that neurofeedback is also very effective in facilitating language acquisition. In this study, “Neuroscientist Alex Brandmeyer shows that auditory perceptual learning can be facilitated using neurofeedback, helping to focus on the sound differences that really matter”.
This study’s findings have major implications for the application of Neurofeedback at home. Neurofeedback devices can be used in the facilitation of language acquisition not only for children but also for adults learning new languages as well.
Radboud University Nijmegen. "Learning how to listen with neurofeedback." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 6 March 2014. <>.